Apparel • Graphic Design • E-Commerce


The building of small brands with small budgets is extremely challenging yet extremely rewarding. I get to see so much more of my output actually walking around in the world vs sitting dormant in concept stage.

Live from the stage/my workspace

Live from the stage/my workspace


Josh Kimerling

Born and raised in Bronx, NY. High School athlete. Played baseball (MVP), basketball and ran X-Country. Pitched against George Washington High School when they were ranked #25 in the country. Their 3 and 4 batters hit homeruns off me that still haven’t landed.

I was actually a journalism major at the University of Maryland and I wrote an article on graffiti called Night Writers that won a national contest.

I cook almost every day. Its a passion. So is hip hop, streetwear and fantasy football.

I adore my family, raising two boys with my wife Priscilla in Stamford CT. My oldest is special needs but a complete stud. He will end up in one of my campaigns when he’s old enough.

I once got busy in a Burger King bathroom.





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